What’s provided with emuso/Studio

When you purchase emuso/Studio you get access to a suite of tools that allow you to simply, yet deeply, explore the tools of music (melody, harmony, rhythm). Here is a rundown of the emuso/Studio contents and the free materials that come with it. In short, we think we’ve got you covered 🙂
emuso/Studio Contents
emuso Toolkit
The emuso toolkit lets you create and edit chords and scales, as well as making you own. This means musical ideas can be tested and captured within emuso. It’s easy to save and share the content you create too. And if your friends or band mates are using different instruments? No problem. With one keyboard press you can switch views between interactive virtual instruments, such as guitar, piano or bass.
This tool lets you explore Rhythm and timekeeping. You can set up your own practise regimes to work on your timing and licks or play over chord progressions. What’s more, you can save and share all of the content you create in Rhythm-X. Check out an introductory video to this feature.
An interactive lesson viewer
Emuso lessons present all manner of musical concepts on virtual instruments for you to see, hear, and touch. These lessons can check your understanding and give corrections, should you want. There are lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced musicians, focusing on guitar initially. With the launch of emuso/Foundry more will be coming soon!
In addition, you can use the viewer to edit, save, and share content provided with the lessons. So if you hear something you like, it’s easy to revisit!
Interactive Ear Trainer
Need to build your aural skills? We´ve got you covered. Our Ear Trainer is a very powerful interactive trainer for working on recognizing sounds by ear.
Free Lessons
11 free video lessons are included with emuso/Studio. Among them you’ll find topics for beginner, intermediate and advanced musicians. These interactive lessons are designed and taught by emuso founder Jerry Kramskoy
Look out for more free and paid lessons with the upcoming launch of emuso/Foundry!
A comprehensive help system
Our help system has lots of great features. Firstly, you can switch on “Help Mode” either by clicking the “?” button or chosing the option from the Help Menu. Once activated, you can click on a feature of emuso to see a Help video on that topic. You can turn off this feature at any time. Simply press the “?” button again. Take a look at this video explaining this feature in detail.
Secondly, we have user guides both in written and video formats.
Emuso/Studio license holders can log in to our special access website area. Here you will find a blog where you can leave comments or questions about lessons, or make suggestions. Watch out for the upcoming launch of emuso/Community too!