PracticeSuite PRO trial

Get involved in a revolutionary approach to guitar practice
Emuso/PracticeSuite is available shortly. It provides all the tools you need for directed practice. It uses a revolutionary approach for amazing results. This will take your practice to the next level and beyond.
- Improves your ear, technique and timing
- Easily absorb musical and fretboard knowledge as you practice with far less to remember
- Test- yourself… emuso auto-corrects!
- Truly understand how to use chords and scales.
As a trialist, in return for specific feedback, you will get a free copy with a perpetual license. No feedback, no license!!
Time is limited! To become a trialist contact us at and add Trialist in the Subject line. We will get back to you with all the details asap.
Interactive quick start guides

Include virtual guitar, virtual bass, virtual piano, with note transfer across instruments.
- Several guitar tunings
- Create your own
Scale library provides wide range of scales. These can be layed out on the fretboard in many ways. Or create your own scales.
- By region
- By box (1 string to all strings)
- 3 notes per string
- entire fretboard
Chord library provides wide range of editable chords or create your own.
- Autochord: Click on scale note and chord from scale is generated
- From triads to thirteenths
- Inversions and scale aware inversions
- interval library
- same pitch tool
- string hiding
- labelling choices
- colour choices
- decorations
Ear training
- Melody
- Harmony (own chords or scale-based)
- Interactive tests including “see then sing”

- Technique
- Timing (off-beats etc)
- Simple rhythm through to polyrhythms
- Time displacement from “behind the beat” to shifting melodies
- Transposition, especially for technique regimes
- Music sketches
- Chord progressions
- Dynamic tab with changeable labelling
- Import and export
Interactive Lessons
- With visual theory
- tasks
- tests
- auto-correction

Interactive help system
- Touch-of-a-button help videos and user guides