
PracticeSuite PRO benefits

A revolutionary approach to guitar practice and learning music

Emuso/PracticeSuite PRO provides all the tools you need. It uses a revolutionary approach for amazing results that you’ll love. This will take your practice to the next level and beyond, all the way to advanced guitarist.

We strip music concepts back to the core so there’s so much less to learn and remember, compared to learning by notation, note names, or by TAB.  Music is about relationships between sounds, these being intervals.  Much theory can be explained in terms of intervals, either for showing where chords are rooted in a scale, or for showing the make-up of a chord or scale.  So intervals are always visualised, heard, and quickly associated with shapes on interactive instrument (“guitar”, “bass”, “piano”).

You learn using a toolkit and interactive content which include auto-correcting tests taken on the above instruments.  For example, the content may ask you to create a scale and it will check the intervals are correct, and you can ask to see and hear the correct answer if you made a mistake.


Click any image below to enlarge it.  Here’s what PracticeSuite PRO comes with…


Interactive quick start guides





Include virtual guitar, virtual bass, virtual piano, with note transfer across instruments.




Scale library provides wide range of scales.  These can be layed out on the fretboard in many ways.  Or create your own scales. Hover mouse over scale note to see/hear tertian/quartal chord rooted at the scale note or pentatonic with tonic at the scale note. Relocate scale anywhere with mouse.



Chord library provides wide range of editable chords or create your own. Relocate chord anywhere with mouse. Hover over chord note with mouse to hear individual note. This helps pick out inner voices when chord is then listened to.



Clock instrument

Visualises theory (scale/chord, scale/scale, and chord/chord relationships)



Ear training







Interactive Lessons

Example scale lesson



Example rhythm lesson



Interactive help system


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