Scale translation with chromatics
Emuso now supports scale translation horizontally (along the neck) and vertically (across the neck). Chromatic notes can also be added, th...
Emuso now supports scale translation horizontally (along the neck) and vertically (across the neck). Chromatic notes can also be added, th...
Here is a short video showing how to use Rhythm-X in emuso’s toolkit to build up an arpeggio practice routine. The method The method i...
Emuso comes with three tools supporting inversions. The box tool allows you to visualise chord intervals in a box that you draw out on-instr...
Here is an easy way to generate scale-related chords using the scale currently visible on the virtual instrument. You just need to hold down...
Here is how to use the mouse with emuso to full effect Emuso’s mouse interactions include setting the anchor (where a chord or scale i...
Here is a sneak preview of emuso support for transposing one or more rhythm tracks This preview shows one of our practice regimes being load...
Here is an easy way to generate scale-related chord shapes based on the last scale used on the virtual instrument. This involves drawing a c...