Exploring phrasing with Rhythm-X
Here we'll see how to redesign phrases rhyhthmically without changing the melodic content
Hone your improvisation skills through trial and error while working with chord progressions, chord tones and/or timing signatures.
Take content created by a lesson on-instrument or in Rhythm/X and modify to taste.
Three clicks to see and hear every chord inversion based on that, if you want. Reposition with one click. Understand modes? Easy! Even create melodies and harmonies to share with musical mates.
Explore and capture rhythmic concepts using Rhythm/X. Improve your rhythmic vocabulary, timing, technique, and phrasing on your instrument.
Our Ear Trainer is a very powerful interactive trainer for working on recognizing sounds by ear. It helps you build your aural skills. Ideal for everyone!
Test and capture your musical ideas within emuso, and then store or share them with friends or bandmates.
The cost is less than 1 private lesson a month. You have 24/7 access to your own tool-set and content. With emuso, you have a very powerful set of tools focused on helping develop your inner musician. Faster than you’d believe possible! For our subscription plans click the FREE TRIAL button below.
MusicIncite is delighted to announce the release of emuso/Xplorer, a brand new music learning software application designed by and for all musicians. But, emuso does not teach you how to play songs, note for note! You learn the musical concepts used to put songs together. This means you can explore improvisation and song creation, with less trial and error! Emuso/Xplorer minimizes the need for jargon and avoids notation. This gives you instant access to musical knowledge in a simple, practical form you can actually use while playing. In doing so, emuso/Xplorer gives you access to the most complete musician’s toolkit ever assembled.
Instant chords and scales on tap, the ability to create and store your own practice regimes, and explore musical ideas. Create musical sketches layering tracks in emuso’s rhythm designer. With (Rhythm/X) you can save and share with associates. It even lets you move musical constructs from one emuso virtual instrument to another with a single keystroke.
Ideal for working musicians emuso/Xplorer integrates everything you will need into one place – the emuso Toolkit. Whether you are songwriting, working out a solo, transposing key, or translating parts between instruments – emuso has all the answers, if you have the questions…
The emuso/Xplorer software is being released as Version 3.0, which means we have been through beta and have a complete and stable product from version 1.0 and version 2.0. Version 3.0 has a new GUI and additional features recommended by our current users.
About Us
MusicIncite, Ltd. is a self-funded, start-up company in the music education space. It has developed emuso™ from the ground up over the past few years. MusicIncite is a company founded and run by musicians, for musicians. Our vision is to simplify and empower musical development and nurture musical progress around the world. We believe that everyone should be equipped to join in the global conversation that is music. Our goal is to enjoy a relationship with our clients based on world-beating products and first-in-class customer service.