
emuso FAQs

Have additional questions?

The emuso Support Center is designed to help answer additional questions you may have. We are always looking for ways to improve our efforts, so if you have a question that is not listed in our FAQs, chances are others have the same question. Please submit your question by forwarding it to us at support@musicincite.buzz and we will try and get it added to the list with 48 hours. Thank you for your time and support!

SEMPRE MET24 emuso access

Emuso for SEMPRE MET24 delegates

Hi and many thanks for wanting to check out emuso v3 pre-release. We really appreciate your interest.

To access v3, there are two steps.

  1. request a download link for v3 pre-release.
  2. request a free, permanent license via https://emuso.buzz/buy-emuso-studio/?type=one-off

1. Download link

Please use the form at https://emuso.buzz/emuso-practicesuite-v3-pre-release/.  After form submission, you will see a page with the download link and a license.  IGNORE THE LICENSE.  This is only used when someone is trialing v3 rather than owning it.

2. Free permanent license

You will have received a promo code that carries 100% discount in response to your request email.  You will need you to “purchase” an emuso license with this code.

The purchase url is https://emuso.buzz/buy-emuso-studio/?type=one-off. You will see “one-off” mentioned for the plan on that page.  Fill in your details, choose your OS, enter the promo code, and click BUY.

This takes you to our distributor, paddle.com, where you’ll need to provide an email and postcode (no credit card needed).

This returns you to our site, and you will receive an email from no-reply@sales.musicincite.buzz.  This may take a few minutes to come through.  It contains your license, to enter into the license manager that appears when you first launch emuso.  This license doesn’t expire.  IGNORE THE DOWNLOAD LINK in the email.  Make sure to use the download link provided by step 1. You will also receive emails from paddle.com.

Help content needs updates

Once the user trials complete, we will update the impacted Help videos and help-related content to match v3.  Currently, the videos are old, and the UI differs quite a bit.  There are “quick start guides” that are pretty much up-to-date, that take you through using emuso.

Your feedback

We’d love to receive feedback about v3 that we can use publicly.  But that’s entirely optional.  Ideally, we’d like an evaluation and a short testimonial.


Emuso is a fully-fledged application that cannot be learned thoroughly in a few minutes.  How effective do you think the visualisation tools and UI are at helping folk learn how to create (improvise) and understand music, and practice (ear training, technique, rhythm, timing)?  How effective is it on providing freedom to explore and experiment rather than pre-ordaining what must be learned when?  How effective is the auto-correcting interactive content that lets a student see and hear corrections compared with mistakes?

Emuso expects that users know how to hold the guitar, and doesn’t teach how to play songs, as there are plentiful sites out there that do this.  It’s primarily aimed at those who are coming back to music, once life’s circumstances allow, that struggle or can’t improvise because the don’t understand note choice either due to learning by rote (guitar tab) or couldn’t get on with theory as traditionally presented.

However, we have been told by Chris Loughrin, music education consultant to the State of Michigan, that he thinks children in their early teens would find emuso both easy enough to use, but also motivational and fun, and hard to get them off the computer once they know how to use it.  He is currently working with us, trialing v3, and will shortly be working with a few students using v3.

Here is a summary provided by Chris so far.

“As with traditional approaches to music instruction, upon opening Emuso Practice Suite, I expected a linear, rigid, step-by-step program, with music theory randomly injecting between lessons. I watched the introductory video explaining the concept, then began exploring the different options and layout of Emuso. I soon realized this program is unlike the others. The Emuso approach to learning is multidimensional and reflects current research on the way our brains learn. As researchers and educators uncover how the brain learns, so too can we develop better ways to facilitate learning new skills and concepts. Emuso Practice Suite does just that. Emuso approaches guitar and music concepts organically, while empowering the learner to understand guitar, melody, harmony, rhythm and broad music concepts in a brain-compatible, research based approach through curiosity, discovery, aspiration and the innate desire for new understanding. A dynamic, fluid approach that assumes nothing other than the brain and body’s natural way of learning. With Emuso Practice Suite you’re not just learning to play the guitar, you are growing a deep multidimensional understanding of music that can elevate you as a guitar player, musician and creator.”

Assistant Professor Music, Music Education, of Boston University College of Fine Art, Gareth Dylan Smith, thinks emuso is one of the best music education applications he has seen. Gareth is co-editor of the Journal of Popular Music Education. Gareth’s testimonial: “emuso is uniquely excellent in its combination of intuitive interactivity and applicable music theoretical and listening skills. For guitarists, this is a one-stop shop for many aspects of music learning that can be missed from working with instructional books and in bands. Something to really take your musicianship chops to the next level!”

Standard FAQs

Getting notifications of upcoming Zoom sessions on emuso

MusicIncite Ltd will run occasional zoom video sessions covering a mixture of guitar-related topics (theory, practice etc) and/or how to use emuso with these topics.  These will be interactive, so you can ask questions.  We will be demo’ing emuso, as well as some demonstrations on guitar, and discussions.

We can handle a maximum of 100 people on any one session.  Each session will be recorded, and made available from our site, within 3 hours of the session completing.  You will access to these provided you have signed up for notification, or have signed up for the 14-day free trial, or have bought a susbcription plan.

Please fill in the form for notification with which sessions you are interested in and we will send you one email per chosen session, containing a link to the corresponding zoom meeting invitation, and the date and time of the session.  We cannot guarantee access … sessions are attended on a first-come, first-served basis.  Zoom will not allow more than 100 participants, including the host (MusicIncite Ltd).

We very much look forward to seeing you.

What is emuso™?

Emuso is a set of tools and interactive content as a musician’s ultimate help system. The tools are built into the emuso software platform, along with a content player.   It is designed for all musicians and teachers who want to elevate their musical talents and understanding of music through reference, practice, experimentation, and improvisation.  Emuso focuses on four functional areas learning, practising, exploring and teaching.

How do I obtain a copy of emuso™?

On the home page you can click on the GET MY FREE DOWNLOAD buuton, for a 14-day free trial.  We just need your email to deliver it.

While on the emuso homepage (https://emuso.buzz) click on the SUBSCRIPTION PLANS button or the BUY button.  It will walk you through the process.

You arrive on a screen that provides you a selection of Subscription plans, Monthly, Semi-Annual and Annual.  You pick the plan that works best for you!   Remember, if you also have a Discount Code, that code is only used on your first payment.  That means, the 6 Month and Annual plans have the greatest costs savings!

Please ensure you look at the Buying process FAQ as well.


How old do I have to be to buy a copy online?

Minimum age to buy online is 16 years old, with a parent’s consent.    If you are over 18, parent or guardian consent is not required.

You will select the proper Subscription Plan (Monthly, 6 Monthly or Annual) and this will put you on the BUY page.  There you will provide your name, email, country and which version of emuso/Studio you would like (Windows or Mac).

You check you have seen the Terms & Conditions and then hit BUY.  This takes you to our 3rd party provider PADDLE, for all your payment information.   There is also a video, that walks you through it.

Can I trial emuso before I buy it?

emuso/PracticeSuite PRO is freely available for 35-day trial to anyone legally old enough to agree to our Terms and Conditions Just click the “GET MY FREE DOWNLOAD” button on our home page. All we ask for is an email address so we can send you a download link and license.

The trial software runs for 35 days, and then becomes disabled. If you like it, then check out our subscription plans

What does Version 1.0 mean?

Version 1.0 means that the platform is functionally complete and stable.   We have moved out of our Beta trial and now offer the platform for commercial sale.    Our Beta trial was conducted in both the US and UK, for over 12 months, to help identify bugs and improvements to the user interface.  We still may bump into issues and we need to know about them asap, please provide your feedback on any bugs, problems, issues, or concerns.   Please email us at:  support@musicincite.buzz

With our Subscription Plans, you will receive updates and support, along the way, as long as you are a current subscriber.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay and Wire Transfers (ACH, SEPA, BACS) through our online payment partner, Paddle.  Go to BUY page.

How do I get started with emuso™?

We provide a number of sources to help you get started.   Within emuso are User Guides available while using the Toolkit.   These cover the Ear Trainer, Clock Notation, Clock Measurer and Rhythm-X. A built-in help-system and functional videos are throughout the application to support your use of emuso.   We also have a number of lessons provided on the platform, under Lessons, that can help both beginners and experienced musicians.    But if you have some specific questions that our FAQs or Help-System could not answer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at: support@musicincite.buzz.

How do I register with emuso and set my password?

Once you have activated your emuso license, then you can register with emuso. You choose your emuso login password during registration, and must use the same email address you used during purchase. This password can then be used to log-in from emuso to get access to lessons, emusobooks, practice regimes, and to comment on the blog. You can also log-in with your email and password via https://emuso.buzz

Here is a video on how to register from the emuso application.

How do I recommend more content or specific lessons?

If you have a specific need, practice regime, or lesson you would like to see in our content or lesson section, send your request to:  support@musicincite.buzz.   Please be specific in your request regarding genre, instrument, and education level (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced).  We will try to find a solution and add it to our content creation schedule.   The schedule will be posted on our site and sent out via our digital newsletter.

What is your Return Policy?

When you download emuso software to your machine, you acknowledge that you are aware you waive your rights to cancel the transaction.  If the software is faulty, then you should email us at support@musicincite.buzz. Provide the details of your purchase including your payment receipt, the transaction ID, date, and time. Please also include as much descriptive detail as possible on the fault you are experiencing. It is particularly important that you identify your operating system and correct version number. For more information, visit our Return Policy online.

What level of support do you provide?

Check out the Support page on our website.  For technical support, check out the help function once you have logged into emuso.   If you did not find an answer to your question, then please email us, at support@musicincite.buzz for your technical questions.   For marketing, channel, or partnership questions, please email us at info@musicincite.buzz.   Thank you!

How can I spread the word about emuso™?

We have a number of ways you can support emuso.   First, on our website, you can leave a comment, photo, or video.   We are also on Facebook at: (facebook/emusomusic) and Twitter: (@emusomusic).  If you have a video, send it over and we will post it on our YouTube channel.  Email to: thomas.christel@musicincite.buzz

How can I contact you?

There are a couple of ways to reach us.   If it is a technical or software issue, please contact us at support@musicincite.buzz.  If it is a marketing, channel, or partnership opportunity, please contact us at info@musicincite.buzz.

Want to become an emuso™ Champion?

There are a number of ways you can help spread the word about emuso™ to the world.   You can join our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+, and LinkedIn.  Re-post us on your favorite social media channels!

One-off PURCHASE or PLANS: Subscribing. Upgrading. Cancelling

What are my Subscription choices?

A perpetual license can be bought for emuso (a one-off purchase) or susbcriptions are available.

We currently offer 3 Plans:  Monthly, Semi-Annual and Annual Subscriptions.

The Monthly plan provides a monthly billing process as is the most flexible.

The Semi-Annual Subscription plan, provides a 6 month plan and a cost savings over the Monthly plan.

The Annual Subscription plan, provides a 12 month plan and a cost savings over the Semi-Annual and Annual plans.

For more details and cost savings visit the page on our website:   Subscription Plans

How to PROCESS a 100% FREE Discount Code?

If you have received a 100% Off Discount Code from MusicIncite or Music-for-All.org you are probably wondering how to apply it?    This is a step by step process:

  1.  Click on the SUBSCRIPTION PLANS button in the upper right hand corner of our site.
  2.  You will be taken to the Subscription Plans Page, scroll down, and Click on any of the subscription plan BUY Buttons
  3.  You will be taken to the BUY Page, to fill out your name, email, etc.  There is a field labelled “Subscription plans” where you wil see a drop down menu that reflects which BUY button you used Subscription Plans: (Monthly, Semi-Annual, Annual).  Click on the dropdown, and choose – (one-off),  Select it! Otherwise the discount code won’t work as wanted
  4. Then fill out the rest of the form and make sure to add your Discount Code!  Choose your environment and check the “Terms & Conditions: box.  Then Click the pink BUY bar, at the bottom of the page.
  5. Our payment provider, Paddle will walk you through the process and you will see a zero cost to you!

How to Upgrade from one Subscription Plan to Another?

Upgrade Procedure & Policy:

If you wish to move off one Subscription plan to another. For example, you tried the Monthly plan and wish to move over to the Annual Plan for cost savings. The process is simple. You will need to send an email to: thomas.christel@musicincite.buzz, please explain what you would like to do in the email and provide verification of your purchase. Which includes: date of purchase, subscription plan, invoice number, and contact details. We do not offer prorated refunds. But if you do move from a Monthly Subscription to a Semi-Annual or Annual Subscription, we will subtract your current Monthly fee from the Semi-Annual or Annual total. Then you will be subject to the processes and procedures of your new subscription plan as stated in the Terms & Conditions.  Thank you!

How do I cancel my Subscription?

Cancellation Policy: 

MusicIncite acknowledges that all subscription fees are charged automatically on a recurring basis until the emuso customer cancels their subscription (month-to-month, semi-annual and/or annual plans). 

Cancellation of your subscription plan, no matter if you are on the monthly, semi-annual or annual, needs to be done prior to the next payment date.  (Payment is taken at the start of a plan period).  If your first payment is taken on the 15th of the Month (when you first sign up to the plan), and you are on a Monthly Plan, your next payment date will be the 15th of the next month, and so on.   The actual payment dates are chosen by our distributor Paddle.com.  If you do not cancel before the next payment date, you will be charged in full as per your subscription plan.   

PLEASE NOTE!   Paddle will contact you via email, 5 days prior and 2 days prior to renewal (the next payment date), to inform you of your renewal.  They will be using the email address you signed up with on your subscription plan.   You have the option to CANCEL through either of those two emails.   You may need to check your spam folders for these emails.  

To Cancel.   Please contact, Paddle, at Paddle.net.  You can engage with their chat function, to walk you through the process.   Or you may request a “live person,” via the chat function.  Please note that may require some additional time before a “live person” will contact you.   You will be asked a number of questions, via chat: phone number, email, and possible last 4 digits of credit/debit card you used on your account.  Or you can cancel via email at: help@paddle.com. For cancellation via email please attach your receipt.  Thank you! 

What is your Refund Policy for Subscriptions?

Refund Policy:

Once you select your subscription plan; monthly, semi-annual or annual basis and pay through Paddle,  it is non-refundable; no refunds will be issued.  MusicIncite does not offer prorated refunds for cancelled subscription plans. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of service, upgrade/downgrade refunds, or refunds for months unused with an open account. In order to treat everyone equally, no exceptions will be made. All subscriptions, both month-to-month, semi-annual and annual plans, are recurring and will automatically renew after the end of each paid subscription period. Please see FAQ on how to CANCEL your Subscription Plan.    Thank you!

PLEASE NOTE!   Paddle will contact you via email, 5 days prior and 2 days prior to renewal, to inform you of your renewal.  They will be using the email address you signed up with on your subscription plan.   You have the option to CANCEL through either of those two emails.   You may need to check your spam folders for these emails.   Thank you! 

Interactive versus non-interactive lessons

Are all lessons free?

We’re really proud to provide free lessons to you, to cover many topics, and will continue doing so. Check back regularly to discover what’s new. If you sign up for our Newsletter, or bonus freebies, we can let you know by email as new content becomes available.

We also will be introducing reasonably priced premium content for you to deeply explore musical concepts, and build techniquePremium content is only available to emuso users, and can only be used via emuso technology.

Becoming an emuso users also gets you discounted access to Transcribe from www.seventhstring.com, an amazing tool for practicing sections of music at various tempos without changing pitch. It’s a wonderful companion to emuso.

Premium content will be a mix of

  • one-off lessons
  • courses
  • emusobooks (imagine the Guitar Grimoire becoming interactive)
  • technique regimes

Premium content will primarily be based around synchronised interactive multimedia and emuso’s virtual machine technology,  for the most immersive experiences.

Where applicable, they will come with backing track(s) and tablature as well.

For example, you could be watching a lesson on video, and at times music is replicated within emuso, where it can be saved off (by pausing the video if it doesn’t auto-pause) and edited.

How do interactive lessons differ from non-interactive lessons?

All emuso lessons and blogs are designed to be interacted with.

Wherever you see the eye-ear icon:

Clicking on it will typically result in musical content being created on a virtual instrument, or tracks being brought into the Rhythm-X tool (music snappets, rhythm practice and so on). Often there will interactive tasks or tests to be carried out on “instrument” to reinforce the topic you are learning about. Any mistakes you make can be corrected by emuso, and you can see and hear the difference.

Additionally, some images in the lessons or blogs (such as a chord shape) become interactive, replicating that chord on instrument in emuso.

Similarly, emuso supports synchronised multimedia, where content is created in emuso at various time points along the media timeline (such as at 10 seconds into the playback of mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video) content, or MIDI content. This is a very immersive experience.

If the lesson is viewed in a browser on any of your devices, none of these interactions are possible, and any clicks that would cause interactions are ignored.

We highly recommend viewing lesson from inside emuso, by logging in from emuso first.

How to Download. Install. Activate.

How to download, install, activate

IMPORTANT: Please ensure your email address used for buying emuso is correct, before you click the BUY button on the buy page.  Otherwise you will not receive the details required to download emuso from our distributor, and the buy process will seem to hang for awhile.  If this happens, you will (not immediately) receive the license details from us, displayed via your browser.  But you will need to email support@musicincite.buzz to get the download link.

On successful purchase, you are emailed both from our distributor, Paddle.com, and from ourselves, MusicIncite.buzz (who make emuso), with your emuso license activation details. Paddle also provides a download link to the emuso installer (a .exe file for Windows and a .dmg disk image for MacOS). Emuso is around 270 MB, compressed. Some browsers may warn about this file, but Windows itself won’t, when executed to install emuso. This is because emuso has been digitally signed as Windows requires. MacOS will ask if you wish to open the DMG, but if you accept this, MacOS will let you open the DMG and you can drag the small emuso icon onto the Applications folder icon to install it.  The DMG has been digitally signed and notarised by Apple.  The install process is quick in either case.

After installing, on first launch of emuso, a license activation dialogue will appear where you enter the license activation key. You will need Internet access to activate the license. For more information on licensing, see our Licensing FAQ.

Once activated,  all site content (interactive quick start guides, interactive blogs, lessons, and practoce regimes) and the Toolkit can be accessed. We very strongly recommend you work through the quick start guides to get the most out of emuso.

We may provide premium content in the future.  In which case you will have to register, via the emuso application, where you choose a log-in password, and optionally provide us with some information about yourself. Once registered you can log-in either via the website, or via emuso, using your chosen password. This gives you access to such premium content. Doing so from the website will warn that the lesson’s emuso interactions (tests, tasks etc) are unavailable, but you can still choose to view the content in your browser. Doing so from emuso brings you the full experience.

Here is a short video covering this overall process.  Registration is unnecessary for now.

System Requirements & Warnings

System requirements

Not available for mobile or tablets.

The following are the system requirements for using emuso/PracticeSuite

  • 64-bit Windows 10,11 PC (Windows 7 / 8.x do run, but not supported.
  • 64-bit macOS (12 up ).  IOS is not supported.
  • Minimum CPU:  Intel Core i series or AMD Ryzen multi-core
  • Recommended CPU:  64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor (Intel i5 or faster recommended).  Apple M1 and M2 chip natively supported also.
  • 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
  • 2 GB free hard disk space
  • Display resolution: 1600 x 900 minimum.  1920 x 1080 or higher recommended
  • Audio device drivers required for emuso’s built-in synthesiser
  • Internet connection
  • MIDI device drivers for any external MIDI devices (keyboards/synthesisers …)


System Warning Message

If a System Warning message appears in your emuso/PracticeSuite application when you start it, this is because key system functionality  (that should be present on the computer separately to emuso) is not working.  Don’t panic, this can happen when your system’s audio drivers are missing or need updating. Emuso comes with a built-in synthesiser which requires working audio drivers so the synthesiser can play the digital audio it generates.  This is the minimum requirement for emuso to work.  When you close the warning message, emuso shuts down.

This is a rare condition, so far only observed on HP Pavilion x360 laptops.  Here’s what you need to do to update your audio drivers (along with any other device drivers that may be out of date on the laptop, as shipped.

So this is what you need to do for HP.  Other manufacturers will have their equivalent.

  1.  Go into HP Support Assistant
  2.  Go into the Software & Drivers Icon
  3. It should provide a list of Drivers that are not installed and you can click on them to install.  Make sure to select “audio drivers”.   Install them!
  4. Then go back and start emuso/PracticeSuite and you should be good to go.

If you are still having an issue, go back to make sure you installed all the drivers.   Please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@musicincite.buzz.   Thank you.


FREE 35-Day Trial Information

How to get your free license for v3 trialists

Firstly, many thanks for showing interest in trialing the pre-release of v3 of emuso/PracticeSuite PRO.  It’s you that helps us make a great product.  As such, I’d like to offer you a free lifetime license for v3 (this will work with the current pre-release and with the public release of v3 when available).  This offer is only available to current v3 trialists that sign up before April 1st, 2024.  It does not apply to trialists of the publicly available v2.

To get this license you have to “buy” emuso, using a promo code that carries a 100% discount.   As a result you become a member of our community of emuso users, and hence become a recipient of updates to v3.  It is likely these updates will become automated with emuso checking for the update, but until then you will receive an email with a download link.

You will receive your promo code separately.  Then visit https://emuso.buzz/buy-emuso-studio/?type=one-off, enter your details, including the promo code, and you are taken to our distributor, paddle.com, for “payment” which creates the license.  You are then returned to emuso.buzz, where you are presented with the license, and a download link for the latest pre-release of v3. (there have been quite a few updates since trial began).

How to Download. Install. Activate the emuso 35-day free trial

V2 trial and Pre-release v3 trial

Sign up for v2 trial from our home page or via this link:  https://emuso.buzz/download-emuso-practicesuite-trial/.

Sign up for pre-release v3 trial via this link: https://emuso.buzz/emuso-practicesuite-v3-pre-release/

IMPORTANT: For either trial, please ensure your email address used for requesting the trial download is correct, before you click the REQUEST DOWNLOAD button.  Otherwise you will not receive the details required to download emuso

As well as seeing a web page with download and license information,you are emailed from ourselves, MusicIncite.buzz (who make emuso), with your emuso license activation details. The download link is for the emuso installer (a .exe file for Windows and a .dmg disk image file for MacOS).


Installing emuso

Emuso is around 270 MB, compressed. Some browsers may warn about this file, but Windows itself won’t, when executed to install emuso. This is because emuso has been digitally signed as Windows requires. Double clicking the installer will execute it.


When you run the installer, the installer window appears, along with an icon on your desktop for a disk drive named “emuso”.

(v2 or v3 will appear at the bottom left of the installer image).

Hold your mouse down on the small “emuso” icon and drag it over the “Applications folder” (shown as a blue folder with the letter “A”) and then release the mouse while on that folder.  This will install emuso into your Applications folder.  Please close the installer window and eject the “emuso” drive. You can now use Launchpad, or Finder > Applications to navigate to emuso, and double click it  to open it.

MacOS will warn you that emuso has been fetched from the Internet and Apple confirms it has been scanned for malware, and ask if you want to open it.   Click “Open”.


Once emuso is launched…

After installing, on first launch of emuso, a license activation dialogue will appear where you enter the license activation key. You will need Internet access to activate the license. For more information on licensing, see our Licensing FAQ.  Once activated, you can use emuso.  The license is valid for 35-days, starting on the day you activate emuso. All internet-based emuso content can then be accessed via emuso.

There is no need to log-in.

What do you mean by FREE 35-Day Trial?

This FREE trial comes with no strings attached … no payment information required.   Just your email. You have a full 35 days to trial the software.  Please see the FAQ on what happens at the end of the trial period. Please check the FAQ on Systems Requirement to ensure emuso runs on your system.


Here is where you can sign up for trialing v2This only applies to trialing our version 2 of emuso, which has been released.

Trialists for the pre-release of emuso v3 are handled differently.   Here is where you can sign for trialing the pre-release of v3.

Just provide your name and email address, and choose whether you want emuso for Windows or MacOS. Then Click on REQUEST DOWNLOAD to gain access to the emuso/PracticeSuite platform. You will be shown a web page with the download link to emuso, and a license to use to activate emuso.  You also receive an email from musicincite.buzz with this information.

Please note that you can only apply for a free trial on one OS per emuso product, regardless of product version , and CANNOT be taken out after any subscription plan or one-off purchase.  If this is not the case, then you cannot gain access and you will be taken to the emuso home page instead.

If you trial v2 on Windows, say, then you cannot trial v2 on MacOS as well (and vice versa).  But, when later versions are released (e.g. v3), then it doesn’t matter that you’ve previously trialed v2. The same restriction still applies. You can trial one OS for v3.

Your license number can be found from the Help menu, at the top left of emuso, should you need to reset your emuso password.  Should you decide to subscribe to emuso, you will receive a new license, and this will need to be used instead, for any password reset.

What happens when my 35-Day Trial ends?

Upon completion of your trial emuso will stop working. The license manager shows an error message that the license has expired.  All you can do is close the manager, which will shut down emuso.

Any content you have created (snippets and snappets) are yours, and can be used if you subscribe or buy emuso.

You will be notified near the end of the 35-Day completion period that the trial is expiring.    Emuso will present warnings on each of the last 3 days of the trial.  Additionally an email will be sent a couple days ahead of expiration.  This should give you the time to buy or subscribe to emuso, should you want.   Then just walk through the payment process.

Thank you for becoming an emuser!

What happens if I BUY prior to the end of my Trial?

If you decide to BUY prior to the end of your trial period.

First off,   Thank you!   Welcome to becoming an emuser!

Second, your subscription plan chosen will begin on the day of purchase.  So the remaining days left on your FREE trial are lost.    But to lessen the sting, here is a Discount Code for 10% off your first subscription payment:   MRKT20    The longer the plan the greater the discount!

Please use emuso’s License Manager dialogue  (from emuso menu > Licensing…) to activate the new license.


Known bugs

Known bugs in emuso

v1.5.1 (pre-release):

  1. If the license manager is viewed (by selecting the menu item “Licensing…” from the emuso menu, sometimes license activation or deactivation will shut emuso down.  But the (de)activation will have worked.
  2. Chord generation for 8 notes scales (half-whole and diminished) doesn’t work for chord complexities of 9th and above.  7-note scales work as expected.
  3. Some help videos need updating to reflect the latest additions to the user interface.
  4. CSS for quick start main page has misalignments between quickstatr guides and rhythmX templates heading.
  5. Cookie message with no cookie button to close it.

Fixes for 2 are being investigated.  A probable date is end-July 2022. Please check back here.

Fixes for 3 will be available by end-Jun 2022.  They will automatically get picked up by emuso when/if needed.

Fixes for 4 and 5.  Around 21 Jun 2022.


How do I find my license information?

Select the “help” menu from the menu toolbar at the top left of emuso.  There is a menu item that shows your license, and the number of days left before expiry.  This is shown is suqare brackets.  E.g.  [10].  When it shows one day left, this is your last day of use before expiry.  With a subscription license, if a subscription period is paid for, the expiry date is automatically lengthened to the day after the next payment is due for the following subscription period.

14 day mandatory license refresh required for emuso

It’s important to know that emuso can be used offline (access to the toolkit) and online (Internet access) to access all the eBooks, lessons and blog.    The 14-Day refresh is key to keep emuso up-to-date.   Here is the process moving forward:

  1.  After choosing your subscription plan, and obtaining your Software License, Activate It!  Similar to when (if) you had your 14-Day Free Trial, except you will need to bring up the License Manager dialogue via the emuso > Licenses … menu item to activate this license in place of your current license (evaluation license typically).
  2. When you run emuso, you need to provide access to the Internet within 14-Days of the last successful refresh (or initial activation) to allow for emuso to update.
  3. If the Internet is unavailable with 3-days remaining, emuso will provide a “warning message” and it will continue to remind you each day after until time runs out or you provide Internet access.  If the Internet is available, emuso will silently refresh.
  4. If time runs out!   You will need to manually refresh your license.  The License Manager will pop-up with your License already populated and you just need to refresh it.  If emuso cannot refresh at this point, emuso will quit when you close the License Manager.

An emuso license expires as follows:

  1. evaluation licenses expire after trial period (currently 35 days).
  2. a subscription plan license expires the day after the plan renewal date, if the subscription payment hasn’t occurred.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@musicincite.buzz


Is emuso transferable between your computers?

No, emuso cannot be transferred between computers.  It is locked to the machine it is installed on initially.


Difference between a Perpetual License and a Subscription?

MusicIncite offers both options when it comes to emuso/PracticeSuite PRO.  The perpetual license is a one time payment for a copy of the software license (emuso/PracticeSuite PRO) at its current full version, at the moment of purchase.

The software purchased can be used “as is” in its current supported state. That is, sub-versions (bug fixes and minor improvements) will be provided for the same version (e.g. if you purchase version 1.1.07, the version is 1.1 and you will get version 1.1.08 etc, but you will not be offered any of version 1.2 and upwards, or version 2 upwards or any of their  subversions). These later versions require a  new purchase or new subscription plan.

The subscription, is the same download of emuso/PracticeSuite PRO, but with one important difference, it is a SaaS solution, Software-As-A-Solution, so during your subscription plan, we continually provide updates to the software with new features and functions.  During your year subscription your software is always kept up-to-date, with the option of renew after the year is completed.

Click to trial our latest experience, v3 (pre-release)