Looking into the minor pentatonic (part 1)
The minor pentatonic provides a huge range of musical possibilities. It can be used to provide chords, melodies, and riffs, with no addition...
The minor pentatonic provides a huge range of musical possibilities. It can be used to provide chords, melodies, and riffs, with no addition...
Here’s a video demonstrating a chord book with a difference! The video demonstrates how you can “play” the chords ...
When you purchase emuso/Studio you get access to a suite of tools that allow you to simply, yet deeply, explore the tools of music (melody, ...
Here’s a resource for major scale triads and their use in chord progressions Chords The major scale yields a major triad, rooted off t...
Hi Guys. If you have any comments, good or bad, or suggestions for new features, then please leave them below, Best wishes, The MusicIncite ...
Practising the octave pattern This practice regime focuses on building awareness of how to find nearby octaves of a given pitch, or find the...
Practising horizontal scale pattern This practice regime focuses on horizontal scale playing. The guitar tab, and technique guidance, are ...
We believe that just about everyone is well-equipped to start exploring and making musical sounds from day one. You can hear when a singer...
Alex Archer Alexander is a recording engineer and producer based in London, working with top artists from around the world including Lewis C...
Charles Alexander Charles Alexander began his musical career as a jazz guitarist in Edinburgh and also ran the Edinburgh University Jazz Clu...