Understanding chord construction is hard (untrue)
As you will become aware, music theory is all about musical relationships. That is, the semitone distances between notes involved, and w...
As you will become aware, music theory is all about musical relationships. That is, the semitone distances between notes involved, and w...
Today we’re concerned with chord-scale relationships … what chords can be built from the scale members. Remember, theory is in...
I find emuso to be an amazing partner for my musical teaching and journey. I use it as a supplemental source for my own college classes ...
I use Emuso almost every day. As a primarily Hard Rock player I never really needed to think about chord extensions above a 9. After I star...
Here are insights that are relevant to using digital technology, standalone or as an adjunct to other methods, to help students understand m...
The 30 day free trial of emuso/Studio commences 12th February 2021. Please check back ...
Would you believe I can show you how to build any scale along one guitar string in a couple of minutes? Read on! ...
Here is an easy way to generate scale-related chords using the scale currently visible on the virtual instrument. You just need to hold down...
Here is how to use the mouse with emuso to full effect Emuso’s mouse interactions include setting the anchor (where a chord or scale i...
What you need to know to start making a mode sound “right” Us guitarists are fascinated with scales, and chords. But how well ...